Thursday, February 7, 2013

Season 2: Episode 1- New, Beautiful Beginnings

I haven't posted in a while, as you may have noticed.. Maybe not.. That's okay, too. But something happened yesterday that forced me to remember about this blog and why I started it. I like being able to talk or write, rather, about what's going on.. Maybe it's for people to read and hear me, but more than likely, it's because I enjoy having a way to verbalize things that may have otherwise gone unsaid.. It's like, therapy.

Someone contacted me through my blog yesterday.. I thought it was crazy and amazing. Out of all the possible "internet routes" to find someone, it was my blog that made it possible to reconnect with someone that my husband and I are very excited about.

I love that we, as people, are given fresh chances EVERYDAY to do something with our lives. We have multiple opportunities that fall into our laps all the time, many that go unnoticed... But sometimes, it's a big, flashing sign that finally gets out attention and in turn, we get to make a choice.

Let's talk about life, shall we? Sometimes our lives take a turn for the worst. We end up finding ourselves in a chapter of our book that we NEVER meant to write. We can get so lost in these places, only to wake up days, months or maybe even years later to find that we are alone, hurt and forgotten. What do you do when you find yourself in this place? Some people realize that they slipped away and make every effort they can to redeem themselves, attempting to repair broken realtionships, correct their wrongs and move forward. This is the type of person that I have the utmost respect and admiration for. And it's those people that, while we watch as spectators, motivate us to take a look at our own plate. I love that there are still people in the world that make the CHOICE to assume responsibility for what they've done wrong in their world, and to the people in it.

My husband and I know struggle. We have both seen our share of pain and ugliness. We have both walked through those nasty chapters of our lives that seemed to fall straight out of a horror movie. As everyone has, we have known defeat, remorse and all the little gremlins that go along with it. But, we also know about forgivness, which we have been blessed to experience on both sides of the fence. We know about rebuilding ourselves, and working hard to "right" the "wrongs."

Someone graced us with his presence yesterday that we are so excited about. It's like we earned an opportunity to change the story that was pre-written. We have been given a chance to show love, acceptance and forgiveness to someone who truly deserves a second chance. We are so grateful that God had been conditioning us for this moment, by teaching us what a true GIFT it is to be forgiven, to be given a second chance. Everybody deserves a second chance, I believe that honestly. Sometimes it's easier said than done, but luckily for us, the forgiveness and love we have found in our hearts for this particular person came easily, and naturally.

Bottom line: LIFE is a gift... REALIZING you're not perfect and you've made mistakes is a gift.... FORGIVNESS is a gift... Embrace your life and the people in it! Allow yourself to be vulnerable once in a while. Take a risk, GIVE SOMEONE A SEOND CHANCE.. Overall, these are all stepping stones through the path of life. It's not really about where you're going or how long it takes, it's about how you get there and who's hand you've held, or who's lives you've touched along the way. It's going to be okay.

"Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see...."
-Mark Twain

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Season 1: Episode 5 - The Waiting Game

Waiting is hard. I know it's hard for everyone, but I think it's especially hard for me. I have no patience at all. In fact, I think it's this very fact that is the most contradictory aspect of myself to my faith. I believe God. I believe He is in control of the universe, which obviously includes me. I also believe that it's His perfect will that I am waiting on. So, why, for heaven's sake can I not find the peace in having patience?

We found a house.

It's the most perfect house for my family... It's our house. I believe that, with all of my heart. And because I believe that, I also believe that it's our house because God says so. I could be wrong, I might just want it really bad, but I am pretty sure that it's the house that we were meant to find. There are so many things that happened, some significant, some not so much, that give me not only reason to believe, but even confirmation, that this is our future home. So why, then do I have such a hard time waiting to hear if our offer was accepted? Well, not even accepted, it's a short sale, so I guess what we are waiting to find out if it's our offer that's chosen to be taken to the bank, or banks in this case..

This short sale is estimated to take approximately 3-6 months. It falls exactly into the timeline that we are looking for. It's listed at the right price, it's the perfect floor plan, with much more space than we thought we would have, and more little "things" that already make it perfect for us. Perfect, perfect, perfect... I don't think I would have as much of a hard time waiting for that as I am now... Waiting for the offer to be chosen... Although, I guess the entire house buying process is a big, fat waiting game... Is that pretty accurate? Hurry up and wait... Yay.. There were moments yesterday when I felt like just the waiting alone would kill me. And it's funny how every time I got to that place and I prayed for peace and reminded myself that GOD is BIGGER than any short sale, that I truly did find comfort. So it's just a matter of re-positioning my view every so often, relinquishing control continuously, over and over and over again, until we hear the news.. I can do that.. I can. Wanna know why?

Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."

My life verse is truly MY LIFE VERSE. Its significance comes into play repeatedly, everyday. Especially now.

Jeremiah 29:11-14
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and future. Then you will call on meand come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord, "and I will bring you back from captivity..."

If you think about me or my family, if we cross your mind, please stop and pray with us. That God's will would be made clear, and that if this is truly our house, that it be made so.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Season 1 - Episode 4: Residential Terrorism

Let it be said, "I love my husband dearly." On that note, may I be quite honest? He drives my OCD up a wall. He's like a straight up terrorist to my need for everything to be done a certain way. Now, I do understand that the shortcoming on this particular topic comes from within me and not him. But it doesn't change the fact that I am seriously thrown into emotional convulsions when I walk in his wake.

For example, on a normal morning at the Nelson Estate, I will awake to a kiss on the cheek and a bid farewell from My Prince. I will smile, and roll over, and blissfully steal a few more minutes of beautiful sleep, before rising to begin a new day. When I get out of bed to shut off the alarm, I immediately shut the closet door. The closet door which we have discussed keeping closed because of our shoe hungry puppy, Rosie... Grr... Then I will head straight for the kitchen to the coffee pot, to grab a cup of steamy caffiene, only to find that yet again, my love has made WAY too much. (Let me stop, and explain. I would not have a problem with this, if he would reheat himself a cup from this very pot the following morning. He won't. He refuses to drink leftover coffee, which I respect, but I have shown him how to make just enough coffee for two full coffee mugs, without wasting a drop. It's easy. I'm not asking him to break out his scientific calculator and test tubes. But, no. He makes twice as much, or more, than we need everyday and throws it out.. $$$ down the drain. Hey, waste not, want not..) Sigh... As I sip my coffee, I proceed to wipe down the counter tops of all the sandwhich crumbs and mustard stains leftover from My Love making his lunch. I can usully tell just what he packed himself for lucnch that day. Then I continue by shutting the cabinets and drawers, that have all been left open about 2 inches. I know every cabinet he went into, further telling me what he packed himself and possibly, what he had for breakfast that morning. Ugh...

Usually at this time, I take a few minutes to wake up the girls and go to the restroom, where I indefinitely have to put down the seat, first. I'll stop and glance at my recflection in the mirror as I wipe off the toothpaste splatters from the glass. It's not too long after that I almost always get a "good morning" text from my prized hubby, making me smile and blush as I reciprocate my love and affection to him, forgetting the earlier frustrations.

As I continue along in my morning rituals, I pick up all the Dr. Pepper cans that have been used and forgotten in what looks like a sugar-abuse episode of Intervention. When I approach the garbage, I see the select few that we're obviously brought this far intentionally, sitting on the counter directly above it. It's at this point where I make a crucial decision. Laugh it off and appreciate the effort that my husband made to get the cans this far, or scoff and shake my head because he didn't take the extra step of actually putting them inside the garbage. Ah, my life. My chaos. My OCD.

There are various other things that My Love does that cause my brain to twitch. Like how he always changes the kitchen faucet from the "spray" setting which I favor, to the other one, whatever it's called... Or how he leaves the sponge in a pot or bowl with water that's been contaminated with whatever it had in it before it made its way to the sink, instead of wringing it our and putting it back in its home, it's specail place on the rim of the sink.. Or how he always takes the last paper towel and doesn't replace it with a new roll, and worst of all, puts the toilet paper roll on backwards... Aaah!

As I mentioned before, I really do understand that I, in fact have the major character defect to answer for. My husband is a wonderful man with a big heart and would never do these things to intentionally mess with me. In his defense, he really tries to remember all my "little things" as he would call them. But you see, there are just so many, that it's inevtiable that I set up almost everyone for failure. It's just my internal response to things being out of place. Thanks a lot, Mom. I'm sure I inherited that quality from you. Haha.

Wonderful Eli is just as irritated and confused by my need for things to be the way I need them to be as I am with his lack of it. Like how I have to make the bed, pull the sheets tight and wipe away all the wrinkles before we can go to sleep, or how I always have to have the bathroom towels folded just right, the black one in half, underneath the zebra print one, which is folded in thirds and centered perfectly. Or how I always load the dishwasher the same way, plates and bowls in their designated spot, kids cups and glassware on their own sides of the top rack, and the sliverware... Oh, the silverware. All forks, spoons, butter knives, other knives etc. have their own compartment, and need to be sorted like so, with spoons and forks standing upright and knives pointed downward, of course.

Hey, it's okay. Laugh. I laugh at myself all the time....

Except for when it's not funny.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Season 1: Episode 3 - Pet Gymnastics

Okay, so what is it with us choosing the pets that sleep in the WIERDEST postions??? Well actually, they kinda chose us.. It seems like everytime I walk by Gizmo or Rosie while they are sleeping (which is almost all the time) they are in some kind of back-breaking position that brings pain to my body... Yikes!

It's just yet another reason why our pets truly belong in our home.. They are absolutely insane, just like the rest of us.

Season 1: Episode 2- Ants in the Pants Syndrome

Just when I thought my life was becoming comfortable, predictable and familliar, we turned the next corner... Buying a house... As most of you know, we recently had the opprtunity to throw ourselves a 5th anniversary wedding... A vow renewal that ROCKED our lives. Since then the next "BIG thing" has been looking forward to buying a house. We have been saving maniacs, for what feels like forever, to continue building up our savings account. Had we not thrown the wedding, we'd be in a home, with all brand new appliances and money to start some renovations.. But.. No.. Not now. We had to start from scratch after depleting the account to pay for our fabulous "low budget, DIY" wedding. (The wedding was in fact DIY but in no way did it end up being low budget. More on that in a later post.) Luckily, we are able to put a nice chunk away each month, so we're making our comeback indefinitely. The plan is to be finacially ready to make an offer on a house in the fall. We are preparing for our down payment, 3 months mortgage payments and enough leftover for some nice, new appliances.

We found an agent that we decided to work with. Well, let me be honest. I found an agent that I decided to work with. My husband, in his loving compassion and grace, agreed. She connected us with her lendor, and before we knew it, the ball was rolling. It was UBER exciting, to say the least. At first. It all moved so quickly! Give the lendor paystubs, bank statements, yadda yadda... BAM! "You're approved, on just your base pay, for a $275,000 house!" Understand.... This was not even including my largest paycheck or Eli's overtime... That's a lot of house! And to my dismay, A LOT OF $ IN A MONTHLY PAYMENT. Just under $2000/mo. After Eli and I sat down and did our monthly budget, the stars faded and my "big house fantasy," came to an end.. There was no way that we could logically afford a $275,000 house. You see, we want to be able to continue to save, and expand our family. We will also be losing a large part of my income when we move, because I will no longer be employed as the property manager for my apartment complex. When we did our budget, it didn't even look like we could really afford a house at all, because of the lost income. Talk about a roller coaster. After making adjustments across the board, we finally found a price range that we were comfortable with, and made a pact and promise to each other (well, mostly from me to him) that we would not go one penny over $200,000.

Now here comes the part where I explain the Ants in the Pants Syndrome.. Most of you would assume that it's quite normal to have a hunger/desire to know the surrounding housing market. You would probably say, "It's an exciting time in a person's life to buy their first home and that a little case of "ants in the pants" is completely normal." That's not what I'm talking about... Now that we know what price range we are comfortable with, I'm like a market STALKER. I'm on the prowl for more information. I'm on a mission to see just what we will get for our $200,000. A friend of mine is an agent as well, and a while back she sent me the link to a website that only real estate agents have full access to. I have been the Real Estate Ninja, searching the cyber world by night, and running the streets by day. Armed with various apps on my iPhone and listing updates, I know every house that meets our search criteria in Solano County! Minus Vallejo and Fairfield. Yuck. My agent has sent me new listing information that I have already read through a mere 6-7 times and I feel like I already know every pro and con of the property... Normal? Maybe. But what about this? I spend my freetime, between appointments and school drop-offs and pick-ups, cruising the Vacaville neighborhoods in search of a For Sale sign on a house that may have slipped through the cracks of real estate advertising. I have narrowed down our afordable neighborhoods, so I just cruise along and check the market value of homes in those areas with my Zillow app. Even homes that aren't on the market at all. Maybe I have even checked the market value of YOURS... Still normal? I think not.

I can't help the avid enthusiasm that's growing inside me each day. Every week, when Eli gets paid, we transfer what we can to savings, and the ball of impatience grows. I think a big part of the hunting allows the daydreamer to take hold of the wheel. It somewhat numbs the small yet relevent fears I hold deep down inside about buying my first house. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way afraid of being a homeowner. I am thrilled. I am so ready to begin the nesting process again. I actually thrive in situations where the end is unknown and my faith has to grow. I live for the adventurous experiences in life, crossing the bridges that your life events have led you to...

I made an appointment to meet up with my agent on Saturday to view a couple of the listed homes. It's time to take my obsession inside, I'm no longer satisfied by the curb view. Haha! The funniest part of all is that we truly won't be ready to commit to anything on the market until the end of the summer.. But, it's like they say, keep your eyes on the prize.. Right?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Season 1: Episode 1- Pilot

I have always wanted a blog... I have my friend, Will to thank for planting the seed inside my head... Thanks, Will... You can catch up with him at:

I used to love writing. When I was younger, I dreamt of publishing novels and poetry. I would carry around a notebook and pen with me everywhere, like some sort of Harriot the Spy. Somehow, I lost touch with that girl. ((shrug)) Well, I'm here now. Let's give it a whirl.

I don't even really know who I am. I'd like to introduce myself to you, whoever you are, but I'm not sure what I want to say. "Hello, welcome to my blog about.... nothing.." That's intriguing. I know what I am not. Hahaha, don't we all? I am not a hardcore health nut, not a veagan with a thing for the "au natural," I am certainly no "super" mom with fool-proof ideas and suggestions to make your parenting experience a breeze... I am absolutely not a first class chef, creating amazing menu plans that change your kitchen life into a wonderous part of your day.. I'm also not a drop dead gorgeous creature, who comands the attention of everyone around her with simple glance or smile. I don't have witty things to say at the drop of a hat, nor are my jokes funny.. Well, I guess sometimes they are. My point is, that I am your average, everday woman... I don't have anything AMAZING to contribute to the world of blogging.

I think I want to know more about myself.. I know I'm in there, somwhere... Obviously I know the simple things... Favorite foods, pet peeves.. But what makes Heather Nelson tick? What are the special secrets that make me a blue-ribbon human being? I think that's what I want this blog to be... Whether 100 people end up reading it, or no one at all, I want to have a safe place, to open up about whatever comes to mind.. and maybe shed some light on my life's motives..

So, back to my introduction.. I will give you a list of facts about me..
~I am a 27 year old mother of 2, wife extraordinaire, part time failure, full time optimist.
~I am a Christian. I love Jesus and my faith is the glue of my life.
~I will wear my tongue ring until the day I die. No one believes me, but they don't understand the dedication I have to that very piece of jewelry.
~I love tattoos, breaking the code of the "norm" and someday I WILL ride my own motorcylce.
~I hate wet socks. It's truly the most uncofortable feeling ever.
~I don't have many friends. The ones I have are very special to me and I will exlpoit a loyalty to them like none other. Even when it hurts...
~I am bossy and selfish. I'm working on that.
~I always try to find the beauty in things.. Sometimes its harder than others, but I can usually appreciate various angles of one situation.

So, in a nut shell, here I am.